company prefer to use glass bottle for packaging wine, beer, and spirits products

September 29, 2021

Most companies prefer to use standard types for packaging wine, beer, and spirits products.

In terms of color, global spirits glass bottles are divided into nude glass bottles and colored glass bottles. 

The nude glass bottle is white and transparent, and is used for packaging hard liquor and other liquor beverages due to its excellent visibility and durability.

Liquor, beer and wine are packaged in colored glass bottles. Glass is basically inert and therefore lacks chemical reactivity, which makes it ideal for alcoholic beverages. 

At present, there are higher requirements for the packaging of colored glass bottles for alcoholic beverages, because the color can distinguish the glass containers and

protect the contents from unnecessary ultraviolet rays, because ultraviolet rays can affect the taste of wine and beer. 

Therefore, due to its various advantages and characteristics, many beer and liquor manufacturers prefer colorful glass bottle packaging.